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a ruta gastronómica “Degusta las Fiestas de Mayo” ha dispensado más de 2.000 tapas

The gastronomic route “Taste the May Festivities” has dispensed more than 2,000 “tapas”.

Nearly 9,000 different people have accessed and the webapp already has 852 registered users and 821 tapas reviews. has 852 registered users and 821 tapas ratings.

The gastronomic route “Degusta las Fiestas de Mayo” has dispensed more than 2,000 tapas. This was reported by the CEO of the Development Company, Alfonso Cabello, during a visit to one of the participating stores on Monday, along with the Director General of Trade and Consumer Affairs of the Government of the Canary Islands, David Mille.

In this regard, the CEO of the Development Company, Alfonso Cabello. He explained that “this gastronomic route is being a success and proof of this is that with just a few days left to go, the 70 participating establishments have sold two thousand tapas”, and stressed that “almost 9,000 different people have accessed the webapp hosted at www.degustalasfiestasdemayo.com852 people have registered to make 821 evaluations of these tapas, which indicates that this is an attractive initiative for the public”.

Also, Cabello noted that “the total volume of visits to the webapp is already at 191,000”, and recalled that “this initiative will end next Friday June 4 so there is still time to visit these establishments and taste the gastronomic proposals offered at the price of 3.5 euros and include cover and drink. Likewise, the mayor said that “it has again demonstrated the willingness of the restoration and citizenship to join a gastronomic route that aims to value the quality of local produce and the breadth of our hospitality industry.

In this way, Cabello stressed that “in a very complicated time for the economy in general, initiatives such as “Degusta las Fiestas de Mayo” are helping to encourage consumption, and from the Consistory we want to thank the involvement of the gastronomic sector of the city, as well as the Directorate General of Trade and Consumer Affairs of the Canary Islands Government for funding this action”, and stressed that “the population has also joined and has seen the potential of this route, where the Canary Islands product was the protagonist”.

For his part, the Director General of Trade and Consumer Affairs of the Government of the Canary Islands, David Mille, said that “the City Council of Santa Cruz and the Development Society have demonstrated once again the ability to propose and carry out successful initiatives in terms of revitalization in the city, and that help to give a real incentive to the economic sectors” and thanked “the implication of the stores for the success of this gastronomic route, putting in value the local product and the wide range of quality possibilities that the capital of Tenerife has, as far as restoration is concerned”.

Likewise, Mille encouraged the participation of citizens in these last days of route and recalled that “this initiative is configured as a dynamic and promotional element of the products marketed in the Traditional Markets of the Canary Islands, which is also an important milestone in the strategy we are working from the Directorate General of Trade and Consumer Affairs of the Canary Islands Government.

During the course of this institutional visit, carried out in the Terraza Parque of the capital of Tenerife, both leaders tasted some of the proposals that can be tasted in the framework of the route, such as Terraza Parque, La Chachi Cocina Bar and El Lagar.

It should be recalled that 70 catering establishments in the capital of Tenerife are participating in the I Gastronomic Route “Taste the Fiestas de Mayo”, which started last May 14 on the occasion of the founding festivities of the city and will last until Friday, June 4.

The gastronomic route “Degusta las Fiestas de Mayo” is organized by the Sociedad de Desarrollo and financed by the Dirección General de Comercio y Consumo del Gobierno de Canarias. Those interested in consulting all the information on this initiative can access the webapp hosted at

Santa Cruz de Tenerife, June 1st, 2021


a ruta gastronómica “Degusta las Fiestas de Mayo” ha dispensado más de 2.000 tapas Prev Post
More than 5,000 people have visited the webapp.
Santa Cruz pone en valor los mercados en el II Encuentro de Mercados Tradicionales Next Post
Santa Cruz celebrates the II Encounter of Traditional Markets of the Canary Islands

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