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Clausura Networking Gastro-Turístico

The Gastro-Tourism Networking of Santa Cruz brought together more than 150 agents of the sector

The Patio de las Palmeras of the Museum of Nature and Archeology (MUNA) hosted this initiative in which the gastronomy of Chicharras was the protagonist.

The Patio de las Palmeras of the Museum of Nature and Archeology brought together in the Gastro-Tourism Networking of Santa Cruz more than 150 key players in the sectors of Tourism and Gastronomy to highlight the local products of Anaga and promote the gastro-tourism offer of the capital of Tenerife. This has been reported by the mayor of Santa Cruz, José Manuel Bermúdez, who explained that “the gastronomy sector in our capital enjoys very good health and I trust that, with workshops like today’s will serve to give it a greater boost if possible, attracting visitors and population”.

In this way, Bermudez stressed that “the enhancement of the gastronomy of Santa Cruz is the fundamental objective of this day in which the synergies between the different actors serve to give an even greater boost to a sector in which the capital excels” and added that “the more than 150 tourism agents who have gathered here today, are the best example of the interest aroused by the good work of our professionals, who champion the talent that is tasted in every corner of the city”.

For her part, the CEO of the Development Company, Carmen Pérez, stressed that “we were seeking to facilitate contact, interaction and the generation of synergies in the form of alliances or future projects between these key agents” and added that “we were accompanied by tour operators and reservation centers, active tourism companies, gastronomic establishments, tourist information and public transport companies, museums and tourist attractions, conference venues and tourist accommodations”.

“This meeting aimed to position the gastro-tourist offer of Santa Cruz among the agents involved in the value chain, enhance the marketing of the capital of Tenerife -and in particular the territory of Anaga- as a tourist destination; value local products, especially those of Anaga; and facilitate contact and interaction between agents of the gastro-tourist value chain of the municipality and other agents and institutions to promote future partnerships and projects” emphasized Pérez, who added “in addition, gastronomy had a leading role”.

Perez also stressed that “in this 2023 Santa Cruz has taken great steps to promote the development of gastronomic tourism thanks to the numerous actions that have been implemented through the Action Line 10 Anaga Smart Destination of the DUSI Strategy, and among which have stood out the promotion of the Product Club Degusta Santa Cruz Anaga Smart Destination, the realization of three gastronomic routes or the positioning of the capital in GastroCanarias as a benchmark in the gastronomy of the Archipelago”.

“In addition, innovative activities have been developed, such as the GastroHotel Weeks or the Gastronomic Tour, which will take place on December 4; quality audiovisual content has been created, such as the Young Talents Exhibition, in which Hecansa Hotel School and the CIFP La Candelaria participated, or the Canary Islands Signature Food Exhibition, to promote the capital’s gastronomy; and for the first time, and with the help of Tenerife Tourism, Anaga and Santa Cruz were positioned in San Sebastian Gastronómika,” Pérez emphasized.

As for the Gastro-Tourist Networking, Pérez explained that “five chefs from establishments adhered to the Anaga Smart Destination Product Club participated, who presented their own dish in whose preparation they used local products from Anaga” and added that “each of the elaborations was characterized by having products and ingredients that evoked one of the senses, that is, sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch”.

Thus, five stations were installed in the Patio de Las Palmeras, one for each of the senses and in which the chef of San Sebastián 57, Alberto Margallo prepared the tapa related to taste; Pedro Nel, from the restaurant Etéreo by Pedro, offered the one related to sight; Javier Gutiérrez, from the restaurant La Chachi, made the one related to touch; Tadashi Tagami, from the restaurant Tagami, prepared the one related to hearing; and Nacho Solana, from La Fula Gastromar offered the one related to smell.

Specifically, Alberto Margallo elaborated the tapa consisting of yam ice cream, goat milk curd foam and palm flavored; Pedro Nel cooked a scallop tartar with mango and kinchi, finished with a tamarind soup; Javier Gutiérrez presented a papita stuffed with kid, sauce of its toasted bones, goat butter hollandaise and chicharrones suflados; Tadashi Tagami focused on a beet causa with olive octopus; and Nacho Solana prepared a fake sweet potato risotto with Anaga cheese in different cures.

At the end of the elaborations, the more than 150 key players in the Tourism and Gastronomy sectors discussed in small meetings and gatherings in order to promote alliances and projects, thus establishing synergies in tourism and gastronomy.

The GastroTourist Networking of Santa Cruz was included in the Action Line 10 Anaga Smart Destination of the Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development Strategy “Anaga in the heart – Santa Cruz de Tenerife”, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), within the framework of the Pluriregional Operational Program of Spain (POPE) 2014 – 2020, and by the City Council of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.


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