A commitment to artisanal fishing
Among visitors to Tenerife in general, and Anaga in particular, there is perhaps one gastronomic product that is the most valued and sought after: fish. The great pantry of an island is always its sea; and Anaga is no exception. For this reason, not only has a large part of the terrestrial part of the massif been protected, but also the sea that surrounds it. The Anaga Biosphere Reserve includes two marine Special Areas of Conservation, both on the southern coast, the sebadal of San Andrés and Antequera. A sebadal is a kind of underwater meadow formed by algae, an area very rich in biodiversity. This bottom is the habitat of a large number of species, or rather and above all, this place is the breeding ground of many species. The objective of these SACs is to ensure a balance between the natural values of the area and the activities in the area.
Because among the activities in the area, obviously, is fishing. So present that it has marked the idiosyncrasy of towns like San Andrés, which is home to one of the 10 fishermen’s guilds of Tenerife. Traditional fishing guilds, inshore fishing, with boats no longer than 12 meters and using traditional gear, the so-called “artes menores”, which are environmentally friendly and provide a fresh product to the local markets.
The peculiarity of Anaga fish is precisely how it is caught, its traceability and its treatment until it reaches the table, and while it is true that in Tenerife you can fish all tropical tunas, which are often the most desired in a table, it is also true that the offer is much wider: bream, old, mackerel, mackerel, mackerel, anchovies, bogas … the so-called ‘rock fish’, but not only, as there are also shrimp, limpets or crabs, always highly valued in any dish. In Anaga, we are committed to a traditional, sustainable and conservationist fishing, that is why we aspire to protect more surface and with a higher degree of protection, knowing that more marine protection will result in more fish, and that means more activity in the area, improvement of the economy of their people and… more enjoyment at the table.
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